Riot Fest 2019 Countdown 1 – Rise Against

I wasn’t planning on a preview of Rise Against.  I’m not a big fan, but not for any good reason.  They certainly check off the boxes of a band that what fit into a favorite category.  So I wasn’t thinking about looking into them.  But we don’t often get to see a band that someone we know well dated their drummer’s sister.  In some cultures that puts you in the band; or at least a roadie.  Another issue is they conflict with Manchester Orchestra.  But there would be time and proximity to catch the last half of their set.  First, they’re Chicagoans, for the most part.  So that could be super cool (not that it did anything for that legendary for the wrong reason Jane’s aftershow).  They play loud and they’re politically charged.  Guitar+Bass+Drums=perfect formula.  After doing some listening, sure.  They are worthy.

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